Check Apt Unattended Upgrades Will Run Today

To check if unattended upgrades will run today, you can use the systemctl list-timers command with the apt-daily.timer unit. This will provide information about the timer and when it is scheduled to run. Here’s how you can do it:

systemctl list-timers apt-daily.timer

Running this command will display output similar to the following:

NEXT                          LEFT     LAST                          PASSED       UNIT                      ACTIVATES
Wed 2023-09-01 06:25:00 UTC  12h left Tue 2023-08-31 06:25:00 UTC  11h ago     apt-daily.timer           apt-daily.service

In this example output, you can see information about the next scheduled run of the apt-daily.timer unit, including the time remaining until it runs again. You can check the “NEXT” column to see when the timer is set to trigger next.

Postgres Enable Password Login on Local

To enable password login on a local PostgreSQL database, you need to modify the pg_hba.conf file and then restart the PostgreSQL service. Here are the steps in markdown format:

## Enable Password Login on Local PostgreSQL

1. Open the `pg_hba.conf` file for editing using a text editor. You can use `vim` as you mentioned or any other text editor of your choice. Replace `/usr/local/var/postgres/pg_hba.conf` with the correct path to your `pg_hba.conf` file if it's located elsewhere.

   vim /usr/local/var/postgres/pg_hba.conf
  1. In the pg_hba.conf file, locate the line that corresponds to the local connection method. It typically looks like this:

Troubleshooting Mouse Scrolling in Tmux Sessions on Iterm2

If you’re experiencing issues with mouse scrolling in your Tmux sessions on iTerm2, you can follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the problem:

  1. Check iTerm2 Setting: Make sure that the “Scroll wheels send arrow keys when in alternate screen mode” option is enabled in iTerm2. You can find this setting in iTerm2’s preferences. Go to iTerm2 > Preferences > Advanced, and ensure that the “Scroll wheels send arrow keys…” option is set to “Yes.”

Enable Read Input When Debugging Golang on Visual Studio Code

It looks like you’re trying to set up debugging for a Golang application in Visual Studio Code, specifically focusing on enabling input reading during debugging. The configuration you’ve provided involves using the launch.json and task.json files to set up the debugger and tasks for your project.

Here’s a breakdown of the configuration you’ve shared:

launch.json Configuration

In this configuration, you’re defining a launch configuration to connect to a remote server for debugging. Here are the key attributes:

Troubleshooting Barrier SSL Certificate Not Found

If you are encountering issues with Barrier when SSL is enabled and you are getting an error related to the SSL certificate not being found, you can follow these steps to generate and configure the SSL certificate.

Generating the SSL Certificate

You can generate a self-signed SSL certificate for Barrier using OpenSSL. Here are the steps:

Wordpress Center Align Block Widget on Footer Widget

To center align a block widget in the footer of a WordPress website, you can use custom CSS code. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Access Your WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the Customizer: In the dashboard, go to “Appearance” and then click on “Customize.”

  3. Open Additional CSS: Look for the “Additional CSS” option in the Customizer menu. This is where you can add your custom CSS code.
