CLI Remove Old Backup File Max 5 Older

We have provided a set of command-line instructions for managing backup files. These commands are designed to remove older backup files based on certain criteria. Let me break down each of the commands for you:

  1. Removing Old Backup Files Using ls, tail, and xargs:

    ls -t1 | tail -n +11 | xargs -d '\n' rm

    This command is used to list files in a directory by their modification time in descending order (-t1). Then, it uses tail to exclude the top 10 files (keeping the 11th and onwards), and finally, it uses xargs to remove these older files.

Updating Video Metadata Based on Modified Date Using Exiftool

In this article, we’ll explore how to update the metadata of video files (in this case, MP4 files) based on their modified date using the powerful Exiftool command-line utility. Metadata can include various information about the video, such as creation date, author, and more. Sometimes, it’s necessary to adjust or correct this metadata. Here, we’ll focus on modifying the date-related metadata using Exiftool.


Before you begin, make sure you have Exiftool installed on your system. You can download it from the official website: Exiftool

Pulling the Latest Versions of All Docker Images

In Docker, it’s essential to keep your images up to date, especially when using various containers and applications. One way to do this efficiently is by pulling the latest versions of all Docker images with a single command. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process using a command-line interface (CLI).


Before proceeding, make sure you have Docker installed and configured on your system. You can download and install Docker from the official website: Docker Download.

Updating and Upgrading Brew Cask Apps via Command Line Interface

If you’re a macOS user who relies on Homebrew and Brew Cask for managing software packages and applications, keeping everything up to date is crucial. This guide outlines how to update and upgrade Brew Cask apps through the command line interface (CLI). Follow the steps below to ensure that your software is always current.


Before you start updating and upgrading your Brew Cask apps, make sure you have already updated Homebrew itself. To do this, open your terminal and run:

Disabling Auto Traffic Promotion in Google Cloud App Engine

When deploying applications to Google Cloud App Engine, you might want to disable the automatic traffic promotion feature, which promotes the latest deployed version to receive 100% of the traffic by default. This can be useful when you want to manually control when a new version of your application should start receiving traffic. To disable auto traffic promotion, you can use the following command in your terminal:

$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false

This command configures your Google Cloud CLI (gcloud) to not automatically promote the latest deployed version. Here’s what each part of the command does:

How to Disable/Enable Updatedb.mlocate to Reduce Disk IO

The updatedb.mlocate service is responsible for updating the mlocate database, which can sometimes consume a significant amount of disk I/O. Here, we’ll explain how to disable and enable this service as well as provide a tip for customizing which directories are indexed.

Disable updatedb.mlocate

To disable the updatedb.mlocate service, follow these steps:
