Dimas Maulana

Dimas Maulana


Welcome to my website! I am a developer with a current focus on React and Go. My experience encompasses both front-end and back-end development, enabling me to design and develop seamless and efficient applications.

Troubleshooting Docker HTTPD SSL Log Not Appearing

When working with Docker containers and the Apache HTTP Server (httpd) in SSL mode, it is important to monitor and analyze the server logs for debugging and security purposes. However, in some cases, the SSL log might not show up as expected. This article aims to provide a solution to this problem by adding a custom log variable inside the virtual host configuration.


The SSL log is not being generated or displayed when running the Apache HTTP Server within a Docker container. This can make it difficult to track and analyze server activity and troubleshoot potential issues.

Troubleshooting Invalid IP Host Error in Docker Compose With HTTPD Container

When working with Docker Compose, you may encounter an “Invalid IP Host” error when configuring the HTTPD (Apache) container. This error often occurs when the container’s network configuration conflicts with the port mappings specified in the docker-compose.yml file. In this article, we will explore a common cause of this error and provide a solution by adjusting the network configuration using the net parameter.

Understanding the “Invalid IP Host” Error

The “Invalid IP Host” error message typically appears when running an HTTPD container in Docker Compose and indicates that the IP address provided for the container’s host is invalid or conflicting.

Accept HTTPS Self Certificate on Local via Apache2

When you’re working on a local development environment and need to accept self-signed HTTPS certificates through Apache2, you can use the following configuration in your virtual host file. This setup allows you to bypass certificate verification for local testing purposes.

Assuming you already have a virtual host set up in your Apache2 configuration, here are the steps to configure it to accept self-signed HTTPS certificates:

  1. Enable the proxy and proxy_http modules:

Fixing IPhone Photos Stuck When Syncing With Mac

Syncing your iPhone photos with your Mac is a convenient way to transfer and organize your images. However, you may encounter issues where photos get stuck during the synchronization process. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to effectively resolve this problem. We’ll explore using iFunBox to access the RAW folder on your iPhone, removing specific folders, and then resyncing with iTunes to ensure your photos sync smoothly again.

Docker Run -It --Rm --Name Certbot -v --Root-Docker-Composes-Server

You want to run Docker commands to request a wildcard SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt using Certbot and to create or renew a certificate for a specific domain. Here’s a breakdown of the commands and what they do:

Requesting a Wildcard Certificate with Certbot

docker run -it --rm --name certbot -v "/root/docker-composes/server/apache/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt" -v "/var/lib/letsencrypt:/var/lib/letsencrypt" -v "/var/www/html:/var/www/html" certbot/certbot --manual --preferred-challenges dns certonly --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
  • docker run: This command starts a new Docker container.
  • -it: This flag enables an interactive terminal session.
  • --rm: This flag removes the container when it exits.
  • --name certbot: Specifies the name of the container as “certbot.”
  • -v: This flag mounts volumes from the host to the container. You are mounting the following directories:
    • "/root/docker-composes/server/apache/letsencrypt" to "/etc/letsencrypt" inside the container.
    • "/var/lib/letsencrypt" to "/var/lib/letsencrypt" inside the container.
    • "/var/www/html" to "/var/www/html" inside the container.
  • certbot/certbot: Specifies the Docker image to use, which is the Certbot image.
  • --manual: Indicates that you want to perform manual DNS challenges to prove domain ownership.
  • --preferred-challenges dns: Specifies that you prefer DNS challenges for domain verification.
  • certonly: Instructs Certbot to obtain certificates without installing them.
  • --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory: Sets the Let’s Encrypt ACME server’s URL for certificate issuance.

Creating/Renewing a Certonly Certificate

certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/html/ -d example.com
  • certbot certonly: This command tells Certbot to obtain a certificate without installing it.
  • --webroot: Specifies the webroot plugin for authentication and authorization.
  • -w /var/www/html/: Specifies the webroot path where Certbot should place challenge files.
  • -d example.com: Specifies the domain (example.com in this case) for which you want to obtain or renew the certificate.

These commands allow you to request a wildcard SSL certificate and create or renew a standard SSL certificate using Certbot in a Docker container. Make sure to replace “example.com” with your actual domain name when running the second command.

Troubleshooting Cloudflare Error 522 or ERR_NETWORK Router Asus and Firewall DDOS Configuration

When encountering Cloudflare Error 522 or ERR_NETWORK while using the internet, one possible cause could be the configuration of an Asus router with the Firewall DDOS feature enabled. This article aims to shed light on this issue and provide a solution for resolving it. However, it’s important to note that disabling the DDOS feature on the router may increase the risk of potential DDOS attacks from external sources.

Understanding Cloudflare Error 522 or ERR_NETWORK

Cloudflare Error 522 or ERR_NETWORK is an HTTP error code that occurs when a TCP connection between the origin server and Cloudflare is unable to establish within a specific timeframe. This error often manifests as a prolonged loading time or complete unavailability of a website.
