Using the Mouse for Vim in an Xterm

If you prefer working in an xterm rather than the GUI version of Vim, you might encounter some inconveniences. One common issue is copying text from Vim within the xterm, which includes line numbers. The GUI version of Vim handles this better, as it selects only the text, leaving out the line numbers. However, you can achieve similar functionality in the xterm version of Vim by adding the following line to your vimrc:

Bower Default Bower Components Suddenly Changed to Src Vendor

If you’ve suddenly noticed that the default Bower directory bower_components has changed to src/vendor in your project, there could be a few reasons for this unexpected behavior. One common reason is the presence of a .bowerrc file in your project’s parent directory, which might be overriding the default configuration. Here’s how you can resolve this issue:

Step 1: Check for .bowerrc Files

First, navigate to your project’s root directory and its parent directories to check for any .bowerrc files. These files can contain Bower configuration settings that override the defaults. You may have one in the project root or in any parent directories.

Navigate Scroll Up and Down on Screen SSH

When working in an SSH session or terminal, you can navigate and scroll up and down on the screen using a combination of keyboard shortcuts and Vim-like commands. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Ctrl + A, ESC: This combination is used to enter the “copy mode” in the terminal. Pressing Ctrl + A followed by ESC allows you to navigate and scroll using Vim-like keybindings.

  2. Vim-like Commands: Once you are in copy mode, you can use the following Vim-like commands to navigate and scroll:

Troubleshooting a Hanging Cron Job in Ubuntu's APT Script

Cron jobs are an essential part of automating tasks on a Unix-like operating system. However, occasionally, you may encounter issues where a cron job hangs or fails to run as expected. In this blog post, we’ll address a specific scenario where a cron job hangs in the APT script on Ubuntu and provide a solution to resolve it.

Step 1: Locate the APT Cron Job Script

The APT script is responsible for automatically updating the package lists and installing updates on Ubuntu systems. To begin troubleshooting, open a terminal and run the following command to locate the script:

Auto Check Connection and Restart Network Manager if Down


In this article, we will create a simple script and a cron job to automatically check the connection status of your wireless network (Wi-Fi) and restart the Network Manager service if the connection is down. This can be particularly useful to ensure that your network remains stable and connected, especially in situations where the Wi-Fi connection tends to drop or become unreliable.
