Troubleshooting Virtual Network Failure on Verbose Boot

If you’re encountering a virtual network failure during a verbose boot, where you see detailed messages about the networking initialization process, you may need to take specific actions to resolve the issue. One possible solution is to remove or rename the /etc/init/networking.conf file. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

Note: Before proceeding, make sure you have administrative privileges on your system.

Step 1: Access the Command Line

You’ll need to access the command line interface of your system to perform these actions. You can usually do this by opening a terminal or console window. If you’re already logged in, proceed to the next step.

Automate SSH Login Notification via Email

You can enhance your system’s security by setting up an automated email notification whenever someone logs in via SSH. This can help you stay informed about unauthorized access to your system. Below is a guide on how to implement this feature.

Note: This guide assumes you have administrative access to your system and are familiar with basic Linux commands.

1. Edit /etc/profile

First, open the /etc/profile file in a text editor as the root user:

How to Connect to MySQL via SSH Tunnel in Linux

When you need to connect to a MySQL server from outside your local network, using an SSH tunnel can provide a secure and convenient method for access. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to connect to a MySQL server via SSH tunnel on a Linux system. This method can be particularly useful if you are trying to access a remote MySQL server hosted by a service provider like Quintagroup.

SSH Tunneling Made Easy

By Frank Wiles

Setting up a simple SSH tunnel can be incredibly useful, yet finding a straightforward guide can be surprisingly challenging. In this Quick-Tip, I’ll walk you through the process using OpenSSH on a Linux/Unix system. With SSH tunneling, you can securely route all your local traffic through a remote server where you have an account.

One common use case for SSH tunneling is redirecting outbound email traffic to a personal server. This can help you avoid the hassle of changing SMTP servers, dealing with SMTP-AUTH, and other complications when you’re behind firewalls. Hotel firewalls, wireless access points, and various NATing devices you encounter while traveling don’t always cooperate. Here’s how to do it:

SSH Two Factor Authentication With Google Authenticator

In the past, setting up true two-factor authentication (2FA) for SSH access has been a bit of a challenge. However, with the release of OpenSSH 6.2, full and proper support for 2FA is now available. This article explains how to set up SSH 2FA using Google Authenticator on Ubuntu, which greatly enhances the security of your SSH access.

Quick Start

To get started, follow these steps:

Understanding MacOS Bash PATH Configuration

The PATH is an environment variable in Unix-like operating systems, including macOS, that specifies a list of directories where the system should look for executable files when a command is entered in the terminal. This allows users to run commands without specifying the full path to the executable every time. In macOS, the PATH configuration is managed through the following files:

  1. /etc/paths: This file contains a list of directories that are added to the system-wide PATH. Each directory is listed on a separate line. When the system starts up or a new user session is created, the contents of this file are read, and the listed directories are added to the PATH.
