Dimas Maulana

Dimas Maulana


Welcome to my website! I am a developer with a current focus on React and Go. My experience encompasses both front-end and back-end development, enabling me to design and develop seamless and efficient applications.

SSH Two Factor Authentication With Google Authenticator

In the past, setting up true two-factor authentication (2FA) for SSH access has been a bit of a challenge. However, with the release of OpenSSH 6.2, full and proper support for 2FA is now available. This article explains how to set up SSH 2FA using Google Authenticator on Ubuntu, which greatly enhances the security of your SSH access.

Quick Start

To get started, follow these steps:

Understanding MacOS Bash PATH Configuration

The PATH is an environment variable in Unix-like operating systems, including macOS, that specifies a list of directories where the system should look for executable files when a command is entered in the terminal. This allows users to run commands without specifying the full path to the executable every time. In macOS, the PATH configuration is managed through the following files:

  1. /etc/paths: This file contains a list of directories that are added to the system-wide PATH. Each directory is listed on a separate line. When the system starts up or a new user session is created, the contents of this file are read, and the listed directories are added to the PATH.

Creating a Bash Alias for Php Artisan

In Bash, you can create aliases to simplify and automate common commands. The alias you want to create is for the php artisan command, which is often used in Laravel projects. Here are the steps to create a Bash alias for php artisan:

  1. Open Your Bash Configuration File:

    To create a system-wide alias that applies to all users, you should modify the /etc/bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc file. You’ll typically need root or superuser privileges to edit these files. Use a text editor to open the file, for example:

Fixing Seed Class Not Found Exception in Laravel 5

When working with Laravel 5 and attempting to run a database seed, you may encounter a “Seed Class not found” exception. This error typically occurs when Laravel is unable to locate the specified seed class. However, there is a straightforward solution to this problem. In this blog post, we will explore the steps to resolve the “Seed Class not found” exception in Laravel 5.

Step 1: Run Composer Dump-Autoload

The first step is to run the following command in your project’s root directory:

Troubleshooting Ativ Smart PC Pro USB Detection Issue When Booting to Device

If you’re encountering issues with your Ativ Smart PC Pro not detecting USB devices when trying to boot from them, one potential solution is to disable the Fast BIOS setting in the BIOS Advanced Menu. This guide will walk you through the steps to resolve this issue.


The Fast BIOS setting, also known as Fast Boot or Quick Boot, is designed to reduce the time it takes for your computer to boot into the operating system by skipping certain hardware checks and initialization processes. While this can speed up the boot process, it may also cause compatibility issues with certain USB devices when trying to boot from them.
