Adding `Data-Bs-Toggle` and `Data-Bs-Target` Breaks Link in Bootstrap 5

In Bootstrap 5, when you try to add data-bs-toggle and data-bs-target attributes to a link (<a> element) within a navigation bar (<nav> element), you might encounter an issue where the link doesn’t work as expected. This can be frustrating, but it can be resolved with a few adjustments to your code.

The data-bs-toggle and data-bs-target attributes are typically used for toggling Bootstrap components like dropdown menus and collapsible elements. When you add these attributes to a link, they can interfere with the link’s default behavior, preventing it from functioning correctly.

To maintain the link’s functionality while also using data-bs-toggle and data-bs-target, you should consider the following approach:

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg">
  <a class="nav-link" href="#home">
  <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="">
    Toggle Navbar

  <!-- Additional navbar contents go here -->

In this modified code:

  1. The link (<a>) is kept simple without any additional attributes that might interfere with its default behavior.
  2. The toggle button for the navigation bar is provided separately as a <button> element with the data-bs-toggle and data-bs-target attributes. This button is responsible for showing and hiding the navigation bar when clicked.

By separating the link and the toggle button, you ensure that the link works as expected, and the toggle button controls the visibility of the navigation bar.

This approach allows you to maintain both the link functionality and the collapsible navigation bar feature provided by Bootstrap 5.

Remember to adjust the code according to your specific layout and styling requirements within your navigation bar.
