Bash Shell Ignore Error on Particular Command

In Bash scripting, you can use the || true construct to ignore errors for a particular command or script. This is a common technique used to ensure that a script continues executing even if a specific command fails. Here’s how it works:

particular_script || true

In this example, particular_script is the command or script that you want to run, and || true is added at the end of the command. The || operator is used for conditional execution. It means that if particular_script fails (returns a non-zero exit status), the true command will always execute, effectively ignoring the error and allowing the script to continue running.

Here’s a more complete example with multiple commands:

particular_script || true

In this case, if particular_script fails, the error will be ignored, and the next_script will still be executed.

This can be useful in situations where you want to ensure that a script continues to run even if some of its commands encounter non-fatal errors. However, it’s essential to use this construct judiciously, as ignoring errors can lead to unexpected behavior if not handled properly in your script logic.
