Best Practices for Writing Card Descriptions in Project Management

Card descriptions play a crucial role in project management, particularly in agile methodologies and issue tracking systems like GitHub Projects. They serve as a central hub of information, guiding the team through the completion of tasks or user stories. In this article, we’ll explore best practices for writing effective card descriptions, with a focus on CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, and the use of acceptance criteria.

The Basics: Title and Description

At the core of every card description lies the title and description. These elements provide a concise summary and a detailed explanation of the task or issue at hand.

Example: Create a New User

Title: Create User Registration Page

Description: Develop a user registration page that allows new users to sign up for our service. The page should include fields for entering an email, password, and username. Upon submission, user data should be stored securely in the database.

Example: Read User Profile

Title: Display User Profile Information

Description: Develop the user profile page that displays a user’s information based on their username. Users should be able to view their own profile as well as profiles of other users. Include details such as username, email, and a user avatar.

Example: Update User Profile

Title: Allow Users to Update Profile Information

Description: Enhance the user profile page to allow users to update their information, including username, email, and avatar. Implement validation to ensure data accuracy and security.

Example: Delete User Account

Title: Implement User Account Deletion Feature

Description: Develop a feature that allows users to delete their accounts. When a user initiates account deletion, their data should be securely removed from the system, and they should receive a confirmation prompt.

Adding Clarity with Acceptance Criteria

While the title and description provide context, clarity, and a high-level understanding of the task, they may not cover all the specifics required for successful completion. This is where acceptance criteria come into play. Acceptance criteria are a set of conditions or requirements that must be met for the task to be considered complete.

Example: Create a New User (with Acceptance Criteria)

Acceptance Criteria (if applicable):

  • Users can fill out the registration form with a valid email, password, and username.
  • Upon submission, user data is successfully stored in the database.
  • Users receive a confirmation email after registration.

Example: Read User Profile (with Acceptance Criteria)

Acceptance Criteria (if applicable):

  • Users can access their own profile as well as profiles of other users.
  • The profile page displays accurate information, including username, email, and user avatar.

Example: Update User Profile (with Acceptance Criteria)

Acceptance Criteria (if applicable):

  • Users can edit their profile information, including username, email, and avatar.
  • Data validation prevents invalid or malicious inputs.
  • Updated information is securely stored in the database.
  • Users see their updated information on the profile page.

Example: Delete User Account (with Acceptance Criteria)

Acceptance Criteria (if applicable):

  • Users can initiate account deletion through a “Delete Account” button.
  • A confirmation dialog appears before deletion.
  • User data is securely and permanently removed from the system upon confirmation.
  • Users receive a confirmation message upon successful account deletion.

Flexibility: Acceptance Criteria “If Applicable”

It’s important to note that the use of acceptance criteria is not always mandatory. In some cases, particularly for simple or straightforward tasks, the use of detailed acceptance criteria may be unnecessary. The decision to include acceptance criteria should be based on the complexity and potential for ambiguity in the task.

By marking acceptance criteria as “if applicable,” you acknowledge the flexibility of including them based on the task’s requirements and the team’s preferences. For complex or critical tasks, however, acceptance criteria are highly advisable as they ensure a shared understanding of what constitutes a successfully completed task.


Effective card descriptions are a cornerstone of successful project management. They provide clarity, guidance, and a common understanding of what needs to be done. By following these best practices, you can create card descriptions that empower your team to work efficiently and deliver high-quality results.

Remember, the level of detail in card descriptions, including the use of acceptance criteria, should be tailored to the specific needs of your project and the complexity of the tasks at hand. Striking the right balance ensures that your card descriptions are both informative and practical.
