Configuring Samba Share in Linux

Samba is a widely-used software suite that enables file and printer sharing between Windows and Linux systems. The primary configuration file for Samba is typically located at /etc/samba/smb.conf. This article will guide you through setting up a Samba share on Linux, utilizing the provided information.

Samba Configuration Path

The main configuration file for Samba is usually located at /etc/samba/smb.conf. This file contains various settings that control the behavior of Samba, including share definitions, authentication settings, and access controls.

Creating a Samba Share

To create a Samba share, you need to add a section to the smb.conf file that defines the share’s properties. Based on the provided information, you want to create a share named “admin” with specific access controls.

Here’s an example of how you could define the “admin” share in the smb.conf file:

    path = /var/lib/samba/usershares
    read only = no
    guest ok = no
    admin users = @usershare_acl

Let’s break down the options used in this configuration:

  • [admin]: This is the name of the share that clients will use to access the shared folder.

  • path: This is the path to the shared folder on the file system.

  • read only: This option determines whether clients can only read files from the share (yes) or also write to it (no).

  • guest ok: This option specifies whether guest access is allowed (yes) or not (no).

  • admin users: This option specifies a list of users or groups who have administrative privileges on the share.

User ACL (Access Control List)

The admin usershare_acl value S-1-1-0:R,S-1-22-1-1000:F appears to represent user access control. However, without further context, it’s challenging to provide a detailed explanation. The format seems similar to a user SID (Security Identifier) followed by a permission indicator. For instance:

  • S-1-1-0:R: This could mean that the user with SID S-1-1-0 has read (R) permission.

  • S-1-22-1-1000:F: This could indicate that the user with SID S-1-22-1-1000 has full (F) permission.

Please ensure that these SIDs correspond to valid users or groups on your system and that you understand the implications of the permissions being granted.


Configuring Samba shares involves defining sections in the smb.conf file that specify the shared folder’s properties and access controls. The provided information gives a glimpse into how a Samba share named “admin” could be set up with specific user access controls. Make sure to tailor the configuration to your specific needs and ensure that the user and group SIDs are correctly set up on your system.
