Essential Vim Commands for Log Messages and Plugin Mapping Details

Vim is a powerful text editor that offers a wide range of features and commands to enhance your productivity. In this article, we will explore two essential Vim commands that will help you manage log messages and check mapping details with plugins.

1. Viewing Log Messages

In Vim, log messages can be useful for debugging or understanding the history of your editing session. To view all log messages, you can use the :messages command. Here’s how it works:


When you execute this command, Vim will display a list of recent messages in a split window. These messages can include information about recent commands, error messages, or any other informative output. You can navigate through these messages using normal Vim navigation commands.

2. Checking Mappings with Plugins

Vim plugins often define custom key mappings to enhance functionality. To check all the mappings related to a specific plugin and see their details, you can use the :verbose command followed by the inoremap or imap command. Here’s how you can do it:

:verbose inoremap

This command will list all the insert mode mappings (keybindings) and display detailed information about which plugin or script defined each mapping. You can replace inoremap with imap to list all insert mode mappings without the details about their origin.

When you execute this command, Vim will show you a list of mappings, and for each mapping, it will specify the file and line number where the mapping was defined. This information can be invaluable for troubleshooting or customizing your Vim environment.


These two Vim commands, :messages and :verbose inoremap, are essential for managing log messages and checking mapping details with plugins. They provide valuable insights into your Vim session and help you troubleshoot and customize your editor effectively. Incorporate these commands into your Vim workflow to become a more efficient and productive Vim user.
