How Mirror Gitlab to Github or GIT to GIT

To mirror a GitLab repository to GitHub or to mirror one Git repository to another Git repository, you can follow the steps outlined in the provided code snippet. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  1. Clone the GitLab Repository as a Mirror:

    git clone --mirror [email protected]:username/repo.git

    This command clones the GitLab repository with the --mirror option, which is similar to --bare but also copies all refs as-is. It’s useful for creating a full backup or moving the repository.

  2. Change into the Newly Created Repository Directory:

    cd repo

    Navigate to the directory created by the previous git clone command.

  3. Push to GitHub as a Mirror:

    git push --no-verify --mirror [email protected]:username/repo.git

    Push the mirrored repository to GitHub using the --no-verify option to skip any pre-push hooks. This command effectively mirrors your GitLab repository on GitHub.

  4. Set Push URL to the Mirror Location:

    git remote set-url --push origin [email protected]:username/repo.git

    This step sets the push URL for the origin remote to the GitHub repository. It ensures that future pushes will go to the correct GitHub location.

  5. Periodically Update the Repository on GitHub from GitLab:

    git fetch -p origin
    git push --no-verify --mirror

    Use these commands to periodically update the GitHub repository with changes from GitLab. The git fetch -p command prunes deleted references, and the subsequent git push --no-verify --mirror command pushes all the updated references to GitHub.

Make sure to replace [email protected]:username/repo.git with the actual GitLab repository URL and [email protected]:username/repo.git with the GitHub repository URL you want to mirror to.

By following these steps, you can maintain an up-to-date mirror of your GitLab repository on GitHub or mirror one Git repository to another Git repository.
