How to Fix Postfix Error Bind 0000 Port 25 Address Already in Use

If you’re encountering the “Postfix Error: bind port 25: Address already in use” error message, it means that the default SMTP port 25 is already in use by another service on your server. To resolve this issue, you can change the port that Postfix listens on for incoming email connections. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open your configuration file using a text editor. You can use the vim editor as mentioned in your provided instructions:

    vim /etc/postfix/
  2. In the file, look for the following line:

    smtp     inet  n       -       n       -       -       -       smtpd
  3. Replace “smtp” with a new port number of your choice. In this example, we’ll use port 26, but you can choose a different port if you prefer:

    26     inet  n       -       n       -       -       -       smtpd
  4. Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  5. Now, you need to tell Postfix to listen on this new port. Open your configuration file in a text editor:

    vim /etc/postfix/
  6. Find the smtpd_port configuration option and set it to the new port number (in this case, 26):

    smtpd_port = 26
  7. Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  8. Restart the Postfix service to apply the changes:

    systemctl restart postfix

Your Postfix mail server should now be listening on the new port (in this example, port 26) for incoming email connections. Be sure to update your email client settings to use this new port when configuring email accounts.

Remember that when you change the SMTP port, you’ll need to inform your email clients (e.g., Outlook, Thunderbird) about the new port when setting up or modifying email account configurations. Additionally, ensure that any firewall or security group settings allow traffic on the new SMTP port if you’re running Postfix on a server with firewall rules.
