Mac Install Default Path Languange

It looks like you want to provide instructions for installing Python 3 and Java 11 on a Mac using Homebrew and setting their default paths. Here’s a step-by-step guide in Markdown format:

Installing Python 3

  1. Install Python 3 using Homebrew:

    brew install python3
  2. Create a symbolic link to make python point to python3:

    ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python

This will ensure that when you run python, it refers to Python 3.

Installing Java 11

  1. Install AdoptOpenJDK 11 using Homebrew:

    brew install adoptopenjdk11
  2. Add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile to set the JAVA_11_HOME environment variable:

    echo 'export JAVA_11_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v11)' >> ~/.bash_profile
  3. Create an alias to easily switch to Java 11:

    echo "alias java11='export JAVA_HOME=\$JAVA_11_HOME'" >> ~/.bash_profile
  4. Activate the Java 11 environment by running:


This sets JAVA_HOME to point to Java 11. You can switch between different Java versions by using the java11 alias or adjusting the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

Make sure to restart your terminal or run source ~/.bash_profile to apply the changes.

These instructions will help you install Python 3 and Java 11 on your Mac using Homebrew and set their default paths as per your requirements.
