Read Env File Using Bash

It looks like you’re trying to read the contents of a .env file using a bash script. The provided script uses the source command to load the variables from the .env file into the current shell environment. Additionally, it uses set -o allexport to automatically export all subsequently defined variables to the environment.

Here’s a breakdown of what each part of the script does:

  1. set -o allexport: This command enables the allexport option, which means that any variable defined after this point will be automatically exported to the environment. In this case, it’s used to ensure that the variables read from the .env file will be available to the rest of the script and any subsequent commands.

  2. source .env: This command reads and processes the contents of the .env file in the current shell context. The source command is used to execute the commands in the file as if they were typed directly into the shell.

  3. set +o allexport: This command disables the allexport option. This is done to prevent any new variables defined in the script after sourcing the .env file from being automatically exported. It’s a good practice to limit the scope of exported variables to only those read from the .env file.

By using this script, you can load environment variables from the .env file into your shell session. This is a common practice in development environments to manage configuration settings without hardcoding them in scripts or code. Remember to make sure that the .env file is present in the same directory as the script or provide the appropriate path to the file if it’s located elsewhere.

Keep in mind that this script is specific to the bash shell. If you’re using a different shell, the syntax and behavior might vary.
