Rendering Empty Space in React

Sometimes in React, you may need to render empty space or create gaps between elements. There are several ways to achieve this, and one common method is to use HTML entities like   within your JSX code. In this article, we’ll explore how to render empty space in React using various techniques.

1. Using HTML Entities

As mentioned in the question, you can use HTML entities like   to render empty space in React components. Here’s an example:


This code will render two non-breaking space characters, creating a visible gap on your web page. You can adjust the number of &nbsp; entities to control the amount of empty space.

2. Using CSS

Another way to create empty space is by using CSS. You can apply margins or padding to elements to add space around them. Here’s an example of how to use CSS to add space around a <div> element:

<div style={{ margin: '10px' }}>Content with space</div>

In this example, a 10-pixel margin will be added around the <div>, creating empty space.

3. Using Empty JSX Tags

You can also create empty space by using empty JSX tags. For instance, you can use an empty <div> or <span> tag with a specific height or width style property:

<div style={{ height: '20px' }}></div>

This code will render an empty <div> with a height of 20 pixels, creating vertical empty space.

4. Using CSS Classes

You can define CSS classes that apply specific styles for creating empty space and then apply those classes to your elements. Here’s an example:

// In your CSS file
.empty-space {
  margin: 10px;

// In your React component
<div className="empty-space">Content with space</div>

By using CSS classes, you can maintain consistency in your styling and easily adjust the amount of empty space.


Rendering empty space in React can be achieved through various methods, including using HTML entities, CSS, empty JSX tags, or CSS classes. The choice of method depends on your specific use case and styling preferences. Experiment with these techniques to create the desired spacing in your React components.
