Running a Command in a Different Folder

In a Markdown article, you can explain how to run a command in a different folder using the cd command in Unix-like operating systems. Here’s how you can structure your article:

Sometimes, when working in a Unix-like operating system (such as Linux or macOS), you may need to execute a command from a different directory than your current one. This can be done using the cd command along with the desired command you want to run. In this article, we’ll explore how to run a command in a different folder.

Using the cd Command

The cd command is commonly used to change the current working directory in a Unix-like shell. To run a command in a different folder, you can use a combination of cd and the command you want to execute.

Here’s the basic syntax:

(cd /path/to/directory && your-command)
  • (cd /path/to/directory) changes the current directory to the specified path.
  • && is used to execute the command on the right side only if the cd command succeeds.
  • your-command represents the command you want to run in the new directory.

Example 1: Running a Command in a Different Folder

Let’s say you want to run a Python script named located in the /home/user/scripts directory. You can do this using the following command:

(cd /home/user/scripts && python

This command will change the current directory to /home/user/scripts and then execute python

Example 2: Running a Special Command

You may also need to run a special command that is not in your system’s PATH. In such cases, you can specify the full path to the command. Here’s an example:

(cd /path/to/your/special/place && /bin/your-special-command ARGS)

This command changes the directory to /path/to/your/special/place and then runs /bin/your-special-command with the specified arguments (ARGS).


Running a command in a different folder can be accomplished using the cd command in combination with the command you want to execute. This technique is useful when you need to work with files or scripts in specific directories without having to navigate to those directories manually.

Remember to replace /path/to/directory and your-command with the actual path and command you intend to use.
