Send Email Using Teminal Bash on Ubuntu 18-04

The provided command is almost correct for sending an email using the sendEmail utility in the terminal on Ubuntu 18.04. However, there are a couple of issues with the formatting. Here’s the corrected version of the command in markdown format as you requested:

# Send Email using Terminal Bash on Ubuntu 18.04

First, install the necessary packages:

sudo apt install sendEmail libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl

Then, you can use the sendEmail command to send an email as follows:

sendEmail -f [email protected] -o tls=yes -t [email protected] -s -xu "[email protected]" -xp "yourpassword" -u "[example-server] Server has been started" -m "example Server has just been started."

Make sure to replace "[email protected]" and "yourpassword" with your actual Gmail email address and password. Additionally, ensure that you have allowed less secure apps in your Gmail settings for this to work.

Remember that using your Gmail password in this way can be a security risk. Consider using an App Password or other secure authentication methods if available to you.

Please replace `"[email protected]"` and `"yourpassword"` with your actual Gmail email address and password. Additionally, make sure that you have allowed less secure apps in your Gmail settings for this to work.

Be cautious when using your Gmail password in this way, as it can be a security risk. Consider using an App Password or other secure authentication methods if available to you.