Setting Up Collabora Online CODE on Nextcloud

Collabora Online is an open-source office suite that can be integrated with Nextcloud to provide collaborative document editing features. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up Collabora Online CODE on Nextcloud using Docker.

Please note that this guide assumes you have Docker installed on your server and have Nextcloud already set up. If not, make sure to install Docker and set up Nextcloud before proceeding.

Step 1: Run Collabora Online CODE Docker Container

To get started, you need to run the Collabora Online CODE Docker container. Use the following command to do so:

docker run -t -d -p 9980:9980 -e "extra_params=--o:ssl.enable=false" collabora/code

This command will pull the Collabora Online CODE container from the Docker Hub and start it in detached mode. It also disables SSL for simplicity in this example. Make sure the container is up and running before moving on to the next step.

## Step 2: Configure Collabora Online Server in Nextcloud

1. Log in to your Nextcloud instance as an administrator.

2. Navigate to your user profile by clicking on your profile picture or name in the top-right corner and selecting "Settings."

3. In the Settings menu, click on "Office" in the left sidebar.

4. Under the "Collabora Online" section, select "Use your own server."

5. In the "URL (and Port) of Collabora Online-server" field, enter the URL of your Collabora Online server. Since you mentioned that you must use the IP address, use the following URL format:


Replace `<your-server-ip>` with the actual IP address of the server where you are running Collabora Online CODE Docker container.

6. Click "Save" to apply the changes.

## Step 3: Test Collabora Online Integration

To test whether Collabora Online integration with Nextcloud is working correctly, follow these steps:

1. Create or open a document (e.g., a text document or a spreadsheet) within Nextcloud.

2. Click on the "Edit" button, which should now be available in the toolbar when viewing a supported document type.

3. The document will open in the Collabora Online editor, allowing you to collaborate in real-time with others.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up Collabora Online CODE on Nextcloud using Docker. You can now enjoy collaborative document editing within your Nextcloud instance.

Please note that this setup uses HTTP without SSL for simplicity. In a production environment, it's highly recommended to configure SSL/TLS for secure communication between Nextcloud and Collabora Online.