Shell Bash Export Variable

It looks like you’re trying to use the eval command in a Bash script to export variables loaded from a dotenv file using the shdotenv tool. This is a common practice for setting environment variables from a configuration file. Here’s an explanation of what this code does:

  1. shdotenv is likely a command or script that reads a dotenv file (usually named .env) and sets environment variables based on the key-value pairs defined in that file. Dotenv files are commonly used to store configuration variables for applications.

  2. $(shdotenv) is a subshell command substitution. It runs the shdotenv command and captures its standard output.

  3. eval is a Bash built-in command that evaluates and executes the command passed to it as a string. In this case, it’s used to execute the output of shdotenv as if it were a series of Bash commands.

So, when you run eval $(shdotenv), it effectively loads the environment variables from your dotenv file and exports them into the current shell session.

Here’s an example of what a .env file might look like:


Running eval $(shdotenv) with the above .env file would set the DATABASE_URL, SECRET_KEY, and DEBUG environment variables in your shell session based on the values provided in the file.

Please note that using eval to set environment variables can be powerful but should be used with caution, especially if the contents of the dotenv file are not trusted, as it can execute arbitrary code. Additionally, make sure the shdotenv tool is installed and properly configured in your environment for this code to work.
