Troubleshooting Virtual Network Failure on Verbose Boot

If you’re encountering a virtual network failure during a verbose boot, where you see detailed messages about the networking initialization process, you may need to take specific actions to resolve the issue. One possible solution is to remove or rename the /etc/init/networking.conf file. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

Note: Before proceeding, make sure you have administrative privileges on your system.

Step 1: Access the Command Line

You’ll need to access the command line interface of your system to perform these actions. You can usually do this by opening a terminal or console window. If you’re already logged in, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Rename or Remove networking.conf

You can choose to either rename or remove the networking.conf file. Renaming is a safer option because it allows you to revert the changes if needed.

Option 1: Rename networking.conf

To rename the networking.conf file, follow these steps:

sudo mv /etc/init/networking.conf /etc/init/networking.conf.bak

This command will rename the file to networking.conf.bak. Renaming the file effectively disables it without deleting it. If you encounter any issues after making this change, you can easily revert it by renaming the file back to its original name:

sudo mv /etc/init/networking.conf.bak /etc/init/networking.conf

Option 2: Remove networking.conf

If you prefer to remove the networking.conf file entirely, be cautious, as this is a more aggressive approach. Use the following command to remove the file:

sudo rm /etc/init/networking.conf

Step 3: Reboot Your System

After renaming or removing the networking.conf file, it’s a good idea to reboot your system to apply the changes:

sudo reboot

Step 4: Verify Network Functionality

Once your system has rebooted, check whether the virtual network issue has been resolved. You can do this by attempting to connect to the network or by monitoring the system logs for any networking-related errors.


Troubleshooting virtual network failures during verbose boot can be challenging, but by renaming or removing the networking.conf file, you may be able to resolve the issue and get your network up and running again. Remember that these steps should be taken with caution, and it’s essential to have a backup or a plan to revert changes if necessary.
