Wordpress Center Align Block Widget on Footer Widget

To center align a block widget in the footer of a WordPress website, you can use custom CSS code. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Access Your WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the Customizer: In the dashboard, go to “Appearance” and then click on “Customize.”

  3. Open Additional CSS: Look for the “Additional CSS” option in the Customizer menu. This is where you can add your custom CSS code.

  4. Add the Custom CSS: Paste the following CSS code into the “Additional CSS” box:

div#footer-widgets {
    text-align: center;

.wp-block-social-links {
    display: inline-flex;
  1. Preview and Publish: You should see the changes in the live preview on the right side of the Customizer. Make sure the alignment looks as expected. If everything looks good, click the “Publish” button to save your changes.

This CSS code will center-align the block widget with the class .wp-block-social-links within the div#footer-widgets. Make sure to adjust the class and IDs in the code to match your specific widget and container elements if they are different.
