Docker Port Still Open Despite UFW Blocking

In some cases, users have reported issues where Docker containers continue to have open ports even after configuring the Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) to block them. This can be a frustrating experience, but there are a few potential solutions to investigate.

1. Using as the Host IP

One possible cause for this issue is the configuration of the Docker container’s network settings. By default, Docker containers run in their own isolated network environment, separate from the host machine. When specifying a port in the format in your Docker Compose .env file, you are binding the container port to the loopback interface on the container itself, rather than the host machine. Consequently, UFW might not have any control over this loopback interface.

To resolve this, consider using the host machine’s IP address instead of Replace with <host_machine_ip>:12100 in your .env file. This change will bind the container port directly to the host machine’s IP, allowing UFW to have control over it.

2. Installing UFW-Docker

Another option to manage Docker container ports with UFW is by utilizing the ufw-docker package. This package integrates UFW and Docker, enabling better control over the firewall rules for Docker containers.

To install ufw-docker, you can follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have UFW and Docker installed on your system.
  2. Clone the ufw-docker repository from GitHub by running the following command:
git clone
  1. Change into the cloned directory:
cd ufw-docker
  1. Install ufw-docker using the provided installation script:
sudo ./

Once the installation is complete, you can manage Docker container ports using UFW as expected. The ufw-docker package takes care of associating Docker containers with specific firewall rules, allowing you to block or allow ports as needed.

It’s worth noting that these solutions assume that UFW is properly configured and functioning correctly on your system. Ensure that UFW is enabled and that its rules are properly set up to block or allow desired ports.

Hopefully, one of these approaches will help you address the issue of Docker containers having open ports despite UFW blocking them.
