Troubleshooting Invalid IP Host Error in Docker Compose With HTTPD Container

When working with Docker Compose, you may encounter an “Invalid IP Host” error when configuring the HTTPD (Apache) container. This error often occurs when the container’s network configuration conflicts with the port mappings specified in the docker-compose.yml file. In this article, we will explore a common cause of this error and provide a solution by adjusting the network configuration using the net parameter.

Understanding the “Invalid IP Host” Error

The “Invalid IP Host” error message typically appears when running an HTTPD container in Docker Compose and indicates that the IP address provided for the container’s host is invalid or conflicting.

Cause of the Error

The error often occurs when the container’s network configuration conflicts with the port mappings defined in the docker-compose.yml file. Specifically, when using the net: "host" parameter, it overwrites the port mappings, rendering them useless.

Identifying the Issue

If you encounter the “Invalid IP Host” error, double-check your docker-compose.yml file for any conflicts between the net parameter and the port mappings. Ensure that you haven’t inadvertently used both simultaneously.

Solution: Adjusting Network Configuration

To resolve the “Invalid IP Host” error, you can modify the network configuration of the HTTPD container in the docker-compose.yml file. Follow these steps:

  1. Remove the net: "host" parameter from the HTTPD service section to prevent conflicts between the network configuration and port mappings.
  2. Instead, rely on Docker Compose’s default network configuration, which enables communication between containers and the host using the container’s IP address and the exposed ports.

Here’s an example docker-compose.yml file after the modification:

version: "3"
    image: httpd:latest
      - "80:80"

Applying the Modified Configuration

After updating the docker-compose.yml file, save the changes and rebuild the Docker Compose environment using the following command:

docker-compose up --build

Docker Compose will now create the HTTPD container with the adjusted network configuration, allowing it to communicate with the host through the specified port mappings.


The “Invalid IP Host” error in Docker Compose with the HTTPD container often occurs when conflicting network configurations are present, particularly when using the net: "host" parameter alongside port mappings. By adjusting the network configuration and removing the net parameter, you can resolve this error and successfully deploy the HTTPD container with the desired communication setup.

Remember to refer to the official Docker and Docker Compose documentation for further details and to explore additional configuration options.
