How to Return Forbidden if Apache HTTPS Is Accessed Directly Using IP

Here’s an example of how you can configure your Apache web server to return a “403 Forbidden” error if the HTTPS is accessed directly using the IP address. This configuration assumes that you have the mod_ssl module installed and enabled in your Apache server.

Step 1: Create or Edit the Apache Configuration File

Open the Apache configuration file in a text editor. The location of the configuration file may vary depending on your operating system and Apache installation. Common locations include:

Customizing Tmux Behavior and SSH Banner Display

Tmux is a versatile terminal multiplexer that allows you to manage multiple terminal sessions within a single window. Additionally, you can customize Tmux behavior to suit your preferences and automate tasks. This article presents a collection of Bash scripts designed to customize Tmux behavior and display an SSH banner when starting Tmux. Let’s explore each script’s purpose and functionality.

Script 1: Show SSH Banner on Start Tmux

if [[ -z "$TMUX" ]]; then
    tmux has-session &> /dev/null
    if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
        shopt -q login_shell && exec tmux new
        shopt -q login_shell && exec tmux attach
    TMUX_WINDOW=$(tmux display-message -p '#{session_windows}')
    if [ $TMUX_WINDOW == "1" ]; then
        shopt -q login_shell && run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/

This script is designed to display an SSH banner when starting Tmux. It checks whether the TMUX environment variable is empty, which indicates that Tmux is not currently running. If Tmux is not running and the current shell is a login shell, it starts a new Tmux session. If Tmux is already running, it attaches to the existing session. If there’s only one window in the Tmux session, the script runs the /etc/update-motd.d/ script to show a message of the day for SSH sessions.

UFW Not Starting on Boot in Ubuntu 18.04

If you’re experiencing issues with the Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) not starting on boot in Ubuntu 18.04, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the problem. Here’s a step-by-step guide to fix the issue.

Please note: Modifying system files requires administrative privileges. Make sure you have the necessary permissions before proceeding.

Editing the UFW Service File

  1. Open a terminal or SSH session and log in to your Ubuntu 18.04 system.
  2. Use the following command to open the UFW service file in the Vim text editor:
sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/ufw.service
  1. Inside the Vim editor, locate the line that reads You need to remove this line from the file. To do so, move the cursor to that line, press dd to delete the line, and then save the file and exit Vim by typing :wq.

Filtering Windows Events by User Account

In Windows, you can filter events in the event logs based on specific criteria, such as the user account associated with an event. This can be particularly useful for security and auditing purposes. Below are examples of XML queries that filter Windows events by user account using XPath expressions.

Example 1: Filter Successful Logon Events (Event ID 4624) by User Account

This example demonstrates how to filter successful logon events (Event ID 4624) in the Security event log for a specific user account, in this case, “john.doe.”

SSHD Windows 10 Not Accepting Public Key

If you’re experiencing issues with SSHD on Windows 10 not accepting your public key, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue.

Step 1: Open the SSHD Configuration File

To begin, open the SSHD configuration file using a text editor. In this example, we’ll use the Bash shell and the vim editor. Open a command prompt and navigate to the following directory:

Sharing Docker Daemon From Windows to Local Network

To share the Docker Daemon running on a Windows machine with other devices on your local network, you can use the netsh command to perform port forwarding. This will allow you to access the Docker Daemon remotely using the machine’s IP address and the forwarded port. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator: To execute the netsh command, you need administrative privileges. Right-click on the Command Prompt and choose “Run as administrator.”
