How to Enable Obfuscation on Vite Build With HTTP Headers

Obfuscation is a technique used to obscure code and make it harder for others to understand or reverse-engineer. If you’re using Vite as your build tool for a JavaScript project and want to enable obfuscation, this article will guide you through the process. Additionally, we’ll explore how to enhance the security of your obfuscated code by configuring HTTP headers appropriately.

Step 1: Install Required Packages

Step 1: Install Required Packages Start by navigating to your project directory and opening the terminal. Then, run the following command to install the required dev dependencies:

Categorizing GitHub Issues by Size and Pomodoro Estimation

Efficient project management is crucial for successful software development, and accurately estimating the size and duration of GitHub issues is a key component. By categorizing issues based on their size and estimating their duration using the Pomodoro Technique, development teams can effectively plan, prioritize, and allocate resources. This article explores a framework for categorizing GitHub issues into different sizes and provides guidelines for estimating their durations using Pomodoros.

Categorizing Issue Sizes

Issue Size Description Pomodoro Estimate
Tiny Small and straightforward task 1 Pomodoro (25 minutes)
Small Requires moderate effort and is relatively simple 2-4 Pomodoros (50 minutes to 2 hours)
Medium Moderate effort, non-trivial task 4-8 Pomodoros (2 to 4 hours)
Large Substantial effort, significant work 8-16 Pomodoros (4 to 8 hours)
X-Large Major undertaking, complex features or systems More than 16 Pomodoros (8+ hours)

To establish a common understanding within the development team, let’s use the following framework for categorizing GitHub issue sizes:

Organize Your Tasks Effectively With the Eisenhower Priority Matrix in Apple Reminders

In our busy lives, it’s crucial to prioritize tasks effectively to ensure productivity and efficiency. One popular method for task management is the Eisenhower Priority Matrix, which helps you categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance. If you use Apple Reminders as your task management tool, you can easily implement the Eisenhower Priority Matrix within the app. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up the matrix using Apple Reminders’ default priority levels.

Translating the Eisenhower Priority Matrix Into GitHub Priorities

The Eisenhower Priority Matrix is a popular tool for organizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. By categorizing tasks into four quadrants, it provides a visual representation of priorities. However, when it comes to managing tasks in a GitHub repository, it is useful to have a clear mapping of these priorities into default labels. In this article, we will explore how to translate the Eisenhower Priority Matrix into GitHub priority labels to effectively manage and prioritize tasks.

Resolving the Issue of Random Character Generation When Clicking the Mouse in Tmux

Tmux is a powerful terminal multiplexer that allows users to manage multiple sessions, windows, and panes. However, some users have reported an issue where tmux generates random characters when clicking the mouse. In this article, we will explore the cause of this problem and provide steps to resolve it.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Terminal Emulator Settings:
    • Verify that your terminal emulator’s mouse settings are properly configured.
    • Enable mouse reporting and ensure it is set to the appropriate mode based on your terminal emulator’s documentation.
  2. Update Terminal Emulator:
    • Ensure that you are using the latest version of your terminal emulator.
    • Older versions may have bugs or compatibility issues that have been resolved in newer releases.
  3. Try a Different Terminal Emulator:
    • Test the issue with an alternative terminal emulator to determine if it is specific to your current one.
  4. Disable Custom Mouse Configurations:
    • Temporarily disable any custom mouse settings, scripts, or plugins you have configured to check if they are causing the unexpected behavior.
  5. Reset tmux Configuration:
    • Rename or move your existing ~/.tmux.conf file to start fresh with default settings.
    • Launch a new tmux session to see if the issue persists without any custom configurations.


To stop generating random characters when clicking the mouse in tmux, follow these steps:

Configuring Apache in Docker Compose With Custom Log Settings and Size Limitation for Virtual Hosts

In this article, we will explore how to configure an Apache web server running in a Docker Compose environment with custom log settings and size limitation specifically for virtual host logs. We’ll cover the steps to set up the necessary volume mounts, configuration files, and log rotation to ensure that virtual host logs are limited in size. This will help you effectively manage disk space and maintain clean and manageable log files for your Apache server.
